The LaCrosse Technology WS-2010-13 PC Interface: PERL on a PC
If you stumbled across this blog looking for information on the WS-2010-13 PC interface, then, man! are you in luck!
A previous entry here shows the code I use with an mbed processor to do the posting to a database on a webserver. If you have a Linux or Windows box, however, the code below might do you a bit of good. If not, then… well, keep hacking!
(Note: I just discovered that Feedbin mangles the code a bit. If you’re getting the code via an RSS reader, you might not be seeing the code in its entirety. Visit the source article for an unadulterated copy of the code.)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # WeatherStationInterface.cpp # An interface for the LaCrosse Technology WS-2010-13 PC Interface. # Copyright (C)2012 William N. Eccles # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated # documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be includied in all copies or substiantial portions of the # Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECITON WITH # THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. use Win32::SerialPort; use LWP::UserAgent; # found these items somehwere--maybe it was from the original LCT docs, but I'm not sure #define SOH 0x01 #define STX 0x02 #define ETX 0x03 #define EOT 0x04 #define ENQ 0x05 #define ACK 0x06 #define DLE 0x10 #define DC2 0x12 #define DC3 0x13 #define NAK 0x15 # command:# @commands = ( # "\x01\x30\xcf\x04", # '0' = Poll DCF time # "\x01\x31\xce\x04", # '1' = Request dataset # "\x01\x32\xcd\x04", # '2' = Select next dataset # "\x01\x33\xcc\x04", # '3' = Activate 9 temperature sensors # "\x01\x34\xcb\x04", # '4' = Activate 16 temperature sensors # "\x01\x35\xca\x04", # '5' = Request status # "\x01\x36\x53\xc9\x04" # '6' = Set interval time # ); # some utility routines # return the high nybble of a byte in the low nybble sub H { my( $byte )= $_[0]; return $byte>>4; } # retun an usigned high nybble of a byte in the low nybble sub HS { my( $byte )= $_[0]; return ($byte >> 4) & 0x07; } # return the sign of a byte sub S { my( $byte )= $_[0]; $byte = ($byte & 0x0F) >> 3; return (($byte==1) ? -1 : 1); } # return the low nybble of a byte sub L { my( $byte )= $_[0]; $byte = ($byte & 0x0F); return $byte; } # return an unsigned low nybble of a byte sub LS { my( $byte ) = $_[0]; $byte = ($byte & 0x07); return $byte; } # make the WS2010 sleep. Show a debug message while we're at it. sub gotosleep { print "telling WS2010 to sleep.\n"; $ob->dtr_active(F); return; } # wake up the WS2010. Print lots of debugging stuff while doing it. sub wakeup { # make a low->high transition on DTR to let WS2010 know we're here. $ob->rts_active(No); $ob->dtr_active(F); $ob->dtr_active(T); ($count, $result) = $ob->read(2); $count = length($result); # debug print "Wokeup WS2010 and received ",$count," characters.\n"; print join(" ",unpack("C*",$result)),"\n"; # gubed @return = unpack("C*",$result); # debug if (@return!=1) { warn "Invalid number of characters received on wakeup.\n"; } if ($return[0]!=3) { warn "WS2010 returned invalid wakeup signal. \n"; } else { print "WS2010 is ready.\n"; } # gubed } # # main program # print "Opening serial port...\n"; # for now, we'll assume that some other program (such as WS-2010 PC) has been # used to set the polling interval and number of sensors. We'll write one # that will be used someday. # The problem is that if you do this every time this program is run, it # clears the history stored in the WS2010. I think it's just a matter of # sending command #3 (or #4) and #6. Come to think of it, I don't think # I've ever recorded and examined this transaction. # open the com port $ob = Win32::SerialPort->new ('COM1'); die "Can't open serial port COM1: $^E\n" unless ($ob); # setup the serial port. Die with meaningless message if we don't succeed. $ob->baudrate(9600) || die "Failed to set the baudrate. Dunno' why.\n"; $ob->parity("even") || die "Failed to set the parity. Dunno' why.\n"; $ob->databits(8) || die "Failed to set the databits. Dunno' why.\n"; $ob->stopbits(2) || die "Failed to set the stopbits. Dunno' why.\n"; $ob->handshake("none") || die "Failed to set the handshake.\n"; $ob->write_settings || die "Failed to write settings to port. Dunno' why.\n"; # debug my($baudrate) = $ob->baudrate; my($parity) = $ob->parity; my($databits) = $ob->databits; my($stopbits) = $ob->stopbits; print "$ob opened at $baudrate/$databits/$parity/$stopbits\n"; # gubed $ob->read_interval(100); $ob->read_const_time(5000); # # the big loop # each time through the loop: # wait six minutes (unless it's the first time through this loop) # open the com port # read data and post it until it's all gone # close the com port # # There's enough debugging stuff in here that I won't bother with labeling it. # Suffice it to say, it's all the "print" stuff, none of which is required for # proper operation of the system. $first = 1; while (1) { if (!$first) { print "Sleeping for a long time...\n"; gotosleep(); $i=10; while ($i>=1) { print $i,"...\n"; sleep(120); $i=$i-1; } print "0.\n"; sleep(1); } $first = 0; $haveData = 1; while ($haveData) { # request a data block wakeup(); print "Requesting data.\n"; $ob->write("\x01\x31\xce\x04"); ($count, $result) = $ob->read(100); $count = length($result); print $count," characters returned:\n"; print join(" ",unpack("C*",$result)),"\n"; @return = unpack("C*",$result); if ((@return==0)||($return[0]!=2)||($return[@return-1]!=3)) { warn "Bad dataset received or no data found.\n"; $ob->purge_rx; $haveData = 0; # quit asking for data--give a cooloff time } elsif (($return[1]==1)&($return[2]==16)) { print "No data available.\n"; $haveData = 0; } else { # select the next data block print "Requesting next block.\n"; $ob->write("\x01\x32\xcd\x04"); ($count, $newresult) = $ob->read(5); print $count," characters returned:\n"; print join(" ",unpack("C*",$newresult)),"\n"; @newreturn = unpack("C*",$newresult); if (($newreturn[2]==16)&($newreturn[1]==1)) { print "No dataset ready.\n"; $haveData = 0; # no data to be had } # strip out the ENQ escape sequences and leading STX and length, trailing ETX @stripped = (); for ($i=2; $i<@return-2; $i++) { if ($return[$i]==0x05) { @stripped = (@stripped, $return[$i+1]-0x10); $i++; } else { @stripped = (@stripped, $return[$i]); } } print "Dataset read.\n"; @return = @stripped; print join(" ",@return),"\n"; $db = $return[1]*256+$return[0]; $dt = $return[3]*256+$return[2]; ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time-($dt*60)); $year=1900+$year; $mon++; printf "dataset %06d %06d %04d/%02d/%02d:%02d%02d\n",$db,$dt,$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min; $getstr=sprintf("",$db,$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min); ($i, $i, $i, @return) = @return; # I know, there's probably a better way to do it... strip off header info. # each reading consists of the reading itself and whether or not it's a new or old value. # variable names are somewhat consistent with this. $t1c = (LS($return[2])*10+H($return[1])+L($return[1])/10)*S(L($return[2])); $t1f = 9/5*$t1c+32; $h1 = LS($return[3])*16+H($return[2]); $n1 = (S(L($return[3]))==-1) ? "NEW" : "OLD"; if ($t1f>70) { $hif = -42.379+2.04901523*$t1f+10.14333127*$h1-0.22475541*$t1f*$h1- ((6.83783e-3)*$t1f*$t1f)-((5.481717e-2)*$h1*$h1)+ ((1.22874e-3)*$t1f*$t1f*$h1)+((8.5282e-4)*$t1f*$h1*$h1)- ((1.99e-6)*$t1f*$t1f*$h1*$h1); $hic = ($hif-32)*5/9; } else { $hif = $t1f; $hic = $t1c; } $getstr .= "&t1=$t1f&h1=$h1&n1=$n1&hif=$hif&hic=$hic"; # print "S1: $t1f∫F $h1% $n1\n"; print "HI: $hif∫F $hic∫C\n"; $tic = (LS($return[29])*10+H($return[28])+L($return[28])/10)*S(L($return[29])); $tif = 9/5*$tic+32; $hi = LS($return[30])*16+H($return[29]); $ni = (S(L($return[30]))==-1) ? "NEW" : "OLD"; $getstr .= "&ti=$tif&hi=$hi&ni=$ni"; # print "IN: $tif∫F $hi% $ni\n"; $sp = (HS($return[24])*100+L($return[24])*10+H($return[23])+L($return[23])/10)*.6215; $dir = (L($return[26])%4)*100+H($return[25])*10+L($return[25]); $spreadraw = int(L($return[26])/4); if ($spreadraw==1) { $spread = 22.5; } elsif ($spreadraw==2) { $spread = 45; } elsif ($spreadraw==3) { $spread = 67.5; } else { $spread = 0; } $nwin = (S(H($return[24]))==-1) ? "NEW" : "OLD"; $getstr .= "&sp=$sp&dir=$dir&spread=$spread&nwin=$nwin"; # print "WIN: $sp mph at $dir +/- $spread $nwin\n"; if (($t1f<=50)&($sp>3)) { $wc = 35.74+(0.6215*$t1f)-(35.75*($sp**0.16))+(0.4275*$t1f*($sp**0.16)); } else { $wc = $t1f; } $getstr .= "&wc=$wc"; $pr = (H($return[27])*100+L($return[27])*10+H($return[26])+200)/33.775; $getstr .= "&pr=$pr"; # print "PR: $pr hPa\n"; # 0.0145636 in/count # rain is a tricky thing. The rain sensor merely counts tips of the seesaw and reports # that number of counts periodically. It's a 12 bit counter, so there's a challenge # in the database/reporting program to discover that it's rolled over and has not # reset through a battery change or fluke. What I've done is determined that # if the count goes from "high" to "low", where high is currently set to >4080, and # low is <20, then there was, indeed, a rollover and not a reset. I also store both # the raw value reported by the rain gage as well as the delta from the last reading # so that a simple SUM query can be done to get the total rainfall during a given # period of time. $rn = (($return[22]&0x7F)*256+$return[21]); $nr = (S(H($return[22]))==-1) ? "NEW" : "OLD"; $getstr .= "&rn=$rn&nr=$nr"; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("EcclesAgent/0.1 ".$ua->agent); $httpError = 1; while ($httpError) { print $getstr,"\n"; my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $getstr; # $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); # $req->content('match=www&errors=0'); my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success) { print $res->content; $httpError = 0; } else { print "HTTP Error\nWaiting to try again...\n"; $i=10; while ($i>=1) { print $i,"...\n"; sleep(1); $i=$i-1; } print "0.\n"; sleep(1); } } undef $req; undef $ua; # gotosleep(); sleep(1); } # end of massive if statement # print "Requesting status.\n"; # wakeup(); # $ob->write("\x01\x35\xca\x04"); # ($count, $result) = $ob->read(100); # $count = length($result); # print $count," characters returned:\n"; # print join(" ",unpack("C*",$result)),"\n"; } # end of while ($havedata) } # end of while (1) undef $ob; # close serial port
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