NBC30's Website was Useful, Now It's Not.


NBC30.com used to work. Now, it doesn’t. Here’s my feedback, submitted via their website. I hope to be able to update it with a canned response showing their care and concern.


To put it mildly, your website has become a steaming pile of horse dung. In your attempt to consolidate your NBC holdings under one corporate branding, you’ve lost the ability to serve your communities.

This morning, both my wife and I checked the nbcconnecticut website at 7:45am to discover that all schools are open and no delays were reported. I drove off to work. And after my wife dropped my son off at school, she called me and had me double-check, which I did… with another station’s website. Yes, there are 188 closings according to their website. Yours is now reporting 144, much too late to do any good whatsoever.

Not only are you slow to update, hence useless, but you have also successfully dumbed your website down to the point that anybody with a full-featured, yet mobile, browser, such as the iPhone, cannot access any of the school closings from their mobile browsers, instead redirecting all queries for “www…” to “wap…”. The content is limited and, again, some of the most useful features are excluded from that content. Worse, there is no way to force the site to provide the full version. A simple link to “the full site” would be a bonus to anybody who ends up using your site in spite of its limitations.

Get back to basics. You’ve lost your way.

In the meantime, I will not be using your website in any way, shape or form, and am reaffirmed in my decision to drop all forms of broadcast entertainment in my home. (I have neither satellite, cable or even over-the-air antenna.) DVD and iTunes are it, and I’m glad.

Regretting the need to write this note,

Bill Eccles, Tolland, CT

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