Results tagged “Translation” from Bill's Words
Article here.
Translation: Old, drab Cuba policy could use some flair, freshening
Article here.
Translation: Reuters thinks study recommends scheduling heart attacks for weekdays
(Someone at Reuters didn’t read the article.)
Article here.
Translation: Mandatory gagging at Britney Spears not required; voluntary gagging deemed “enough”
Article here.
Translation: Government finds effective way to reduce size of Medicare rolls
Article here.
Translation: You will soon have the opportunity to vote for Raul!
(Thanks for the idea, Dad!)
Article here.
Translation: Pakistan catches up with US voting procedures
Article here.
Translation: Dad takes the keys away; Kosovo grounded “until you shape up, mister”
Article here.
Translation: Kosovo Moves Out of House, to Get Driver’s License and Register to Vote Next
Article here.
Translation: Lawmakers discover Roger Clemens’ autograph not worth as much on eBay as previously thought
Article here.
Translation: Saying, being… whatever…
Article here.
Translation: Peeing in the ocean not a good idea, even if it does give you that “warm feeling”
Article here.
Translation: Britney Spears’ Dad Tries What He Couldn’t Manage Before
(Just ask K-Fed/Justin/Whassisface…)
Article here.
Translation: Spiderwick, Spiderwick, Does Whatever a Spiderwick Does. Can He Swing from a Web? No, He… It Can’t… It’s a… um… I give up
Article here.
Translation: UnitedHealth Denies Itself Coverage for Probe, Forced to Pay Out-of-Pocket
Article here.
Translation: First Ironclad Since Civil War Sinks in Potomac
Article here.
Translation: California diversidad guiarnos para E.U.
Article here.
Translation: Microsoft to singlehandedly push US further into recession with SP1 release to businesses.
Article here.
Translation: US recession over! Pent-up demand for high-definition video players to be unleashed! Markets to surge! Oil prices to fall! World peace ensured! Food for all the hungry! Jennifer fricking Connelly* to look that much hotter!
* OK, you can substitute in your favorite male star, too.
Article here.
Translation: Thousands of office workers found huddled under desks, in corners, shivering; Crackberry withdrawal blamed
Article here.
Translation: Microsoft has made sure you will pay to use their crap. Um, no, never mind. You can still use their crap for free.
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